French Canadian
As a global company with operations in Canada, Vocam offers an ever-growing suite of business training courses in both English & Canadian French to satisfy training requirements cost to coast.
Preview our courses below and experience the Vocam difference.
Preview French Courses
Experience the value and engagement of our video-based French-Canadian training courses.
Each e-learning course includes quizzes and the ability to be customized with your own company information if you so choose.
Average Runtime
30 Minutes
Each Course has interactive questions throughout along with a final quiz to test knowledge retention
Upon successful completion trainees are provided with a custom branded certificate
More Courses
Your branded training platform will come equipped with over 100 pre-built courses that cover all aspects of business training.
- Alcohol et Drogues au Travail
- Comprendre la Sécurité Oculaire en Milieu
- de Travail
- L'essentiel de l'entreposage et le
- stockage en sécurité
- Elements Essentials de la Gestion de la Fatigue
- Equipement de Protection lndividuelle
- Espaceconfiné
- Espaceconfiné Contréle de L'atmosphere
- Essentiels De Stabilité Du Chariot ElévateurA
- Fourche
- Essentiels De Sécurité Pour Un Chariot Elévateur
- A Fourche
- Formation Sur Le Harcélement Sexuel:
- A L'intention Des Employés
- Formation Sur Le Harcélement Sexuel:
- A L'intention Des Gestionnaires
- Glissades Chuts 8: Faux Pas
- Harcélement et Violence-Prevéntion Travailleurs
- Travailler en hauter
- Harcélement et Violence-au Travail
- L'intimidation en milieu de travail
- La santé mentale au travail
- Manutentionmanuelle au Bureau
- Manutentionsmanuelles et TMS
- en Milieu Industriel
- Manutentionsmanuelles et TMS Entrepots
- Orientation de bureau: ressources humaines
- Preveniers la Fatigue des Chauffeurs
- Principes D'ergonomie Pour le Travail de Bureau
- Reseaux Sociaux. Email et Regies
- de Conduit sur Internet
- Sécurité Alimentaire
- Sécurite: Uneresponsabilité Commune
- Sécurité Fondamentale Concernant les
- Matieres Dangereuses
- Soins aux Seniors Santé et Sécurité de
- Personnel Soignant
- SIMDUT 2015
- Verrouiller en Toute Sécurité
Preview Other Course
Why Vocam is the best for your company
Vocam training platforms are designed to help organizations consolidate their training program and create an environment of learning that challenges and engages their employees
Pre Built Courses
Course Builder
Reporting & Certificates
Team Scheduling
Photo Verification
Mobile Apps
Client Support
Employee Training isn’t just important, it is vital!
Improves Employee Performance
Effective training builds employee confidence as it provides a better understanding of their job roles and responsibilities. Well-trained and competent employees represent your company as an industry leader.
Increases Employee Satisfaction and Morale
Show your employees that they are valued and appreciated by investing in their growth and development. Employees who learn and are challenged feel more satisfaction towards their jobs.
Strengthens Employee Skills
Training programs allow employers to address weakness in their employee’s skills. A development program brings employees to a higher level by identifying the gaps and providing them with the knowledge to strengthen and enhance their skills.
Creates a culture of Accountability
A healthy culture of accountability will help employees be more productive, creative, and able to contribute to furthering organizational goals. It will allow employees to take ownership of their work and build trust between team members at all levels of the organization.
Download Our Free Guide
The Ultimate HR Guide To Creating A Workplace Harassment Program In Canada
Book A Discovery Call
Every organization is unique, which means we should connect to discuss how YOUR current training program operates and exactly HOW our technology can help.